The City of Folsom is proud to announce that the second half of the Johnny Cash Trail is ready to commence. Local contractor Westcon Construction has been awarded the contract, which includes a 190-foot-long wood arched bridge that will span a ravine behind the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary, and a tunnel under Prison Road, which will allow cyclists and pedestrians to safely bypass the busy intersection at the entrance to Folsom Prison.
Johnny Cash Trail Phase 2: Connecting Folsom, Trail to Trail
The second phase of the Johnny Cash Trail involves approximately 7,100 linear feet of Class I bike trail that extends from the completed end of Phase 1 to the existing trail located behind the Folsom Rodeo grounds. This 1-1/4-mile segment of the Johnny Cash Trail will connect Folsom’s Historic District, Lake Natoma, and the American River Trail with the existing 45 miles of paved Class I bike trails throughout the Folsom area. Upon completion, the entire Johnny Cash Trail will span from Folsom Lake to Historic Sutter Street in Downtown Folsom.
The second phase of trail construction is being funded by two federal grants and a five-year no-interest loan from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG).
Westcon Construction Wins 2nd Johnny Cash Trail Contract
Newcastle, CA contractor Westcon Construction won the bid for the second phase of the Johnny Cash Trail and was awarded the contract on October 25th, 2016. The City of Folsom is thrilled to be once again working with Westcon Construction, who completed the first phase of the Johnny Cash Trail.
The enthusiasm is shared. “We love working with the City of Folsom on this project,” said Eric Campbell, President of Westcon Construction.
The $3.8 million first phase of the project, completed by Westcon and unveiled to the public in 2014, included the Johnny Cash Bridge: a bike/ pedestrian bridge inspired by the architecture of Folsom Prison’s East Gate guard tower, where Johnny Cash’s historic chart topping album Live at Folsom Prison was recorded in 1968.
Sitework for Phase 2 of the trail is expected to begin in February of 2017, weather permitting. Westcon Construction will begin with the tunnel underneath Prison Road. Westcon will complete the tunnel in two sections in order to keep traffic moving along East Natoma Street. Campbell expects his company to be completed with the tunnel project around April.

13 Fascinating Facts, Stories, and Tales about Folsom Prison
Come explore the lore and legend of Folsom Prison, America’s most famous institution and one of California’s first.

What’s Next for the Johnny Cash Trail?
Future plans for the Johnny Cash Trail include an interactive public art experience, and the Johnny Cash Legacy Park that will pay tribute to the legendary musician and his famous concert held at Folsom Prison.
There are eight larger-than-life art installations planned for the Johnny Cash Trail, including a 40-foot tall steel sculpture of the Man in Black, by artist Gary Tillery of the Fine Art Studios of Rotblatt Amrany located in Highwood, IL. Sacramento-based Adan Romo, of Romo Studios, LLC, is the artist responsible for the other seven sculptures, which include Cash's Picks, Folsom Prison Blues, Ring of Fire, Greystone Chapel, Hello I'm Johnny Cash, and Rusty Cage.
The city has begun fundraising efforts for the approximated $8 million needed to bring the art experience to the Johnny Cash Trail. A limited amount of spaces are currently available for a Donor Wall, where individuals and businesses can contribute to the project in exchange for a personal plaque to be permanently placed along trail.
Donor wall fabrication is expected to be completed in January, 2017 near the now iconic bridge and adjacent to the future Legacy Park.
Future fundraising efforts will raise additional donations for the project through community events, individual contributions, corporate sponsorship, and worldwide crowd funding efforts.